Bhavan's Balabodha - Lessons 1 to 3
Simplest sentence in any language is a single-word sentence, such as ‘Go’ गच्छ.We need words to be able to express ourselves in any language.
In Sanskrit words are primarily of 3 types.
- Nouns नाम, pronouns सर्वनाम, adjectives विशेषण - all these would have a gender लिङ्ग. They would hence be either masculine पुंल्लिङ्गि, neuter नपुंसकलिङ्गि or feminine स्त्रीलिङ्गि.
- Verbs क्रियापदम् e.g. गच्छ are words formed from verbal roots e.g. गम् . The verbal root is called as धातु.
- Adverbs, conjunctions, auxiliaries to verbs अव्ययम्.
- For example, in ‘Go there’ तत्र गच्छ , ‘there’ तत्र is an adverb.
- In a sentence ‘Go there and play’ तत्र गच्छ खेल च, ‘and’ च is a conjunction.
- In a sentence ‘Do not go there’ तत्र मा गच्छ, the word ‘not’ मा or न is an auxiliary to the verb, helping to make a negative sentence.
The subject in the imperative mood आज्ञार्थ is ‘You’ त्वम्.
Words from Lesson 1 प्रथमः पाठः
In the text-book a glossary of words is given. Here the same glossary is tabulated by sorting the words by different types.
No. | Masculine Noun पुंल्लिङ्गि नाम | Neuter Noun नपुंसकलिङ्गि नाम | Feminine Noun स्त्रीलिङ्गि नाम | Pronoun सर्वनाम | Adjective विशेषणम् | Adverb, Conjunction, Auxiliary to verb अव्ययम् | Verb (Verbal root) Imperative क्रियापदम् (धातु) आज्ञार्थ |
1 | पाठ lesson | पत्र letter | त्वम् you | एक one | न no, not | (पठ् to read) पठ | |
2 | पुस्तक book | मधुर sweet | मा no, not | (लिख् to write) लिख | |||
3 | अक्षर letter of alphabet | स्वच्छ clean | (पा to drink) पिब | ||||
4 | जल water | प्रथम first | |||||
5 | दुग्ध milk | ||||||
6 | घृत ghee |
1. Read and translate following sentences
१ त्वं पत्रं पठ = ---------- --------- ----------
२ त्वं पत्रं लिख = ---------- --------- ----------
३ त्वं दुग्धं पिब = ---------- --------- ----------
४ त्वं एकं पत्रं पठ = ---------- --------- ---------- ---------
५ त्वं एकं पत्रं लिख = ---------- --------- ---------- ---------
६ त्वं मधुरं दुग्धं पिब = ---------- --------- ---------- ---------
2. Rewrite filling the blanks with proper words
१ त्वं -------- जलं -------- |
२ त्वं -------- पुस्तकं --------- |
३ त्वं पत्रं -------- |
४ एकं पुस्तकं ------ |
५ त्वं -------- घृतं ------------ |
3. Translate into Sanskrit
1 You write clear alphabets
2 Do not write a letter
3 Do not read a book
4 Drink sweet milk
5 Read a book
4. Make sentences using words from different columns in the table below.
Make both affirmative and negative sentences using/not using words in fourth column.
त्वम् | एकम् मधुरम् स्वच्छम् | पत्रम् दुग्धम् जलम् घृतम् पुस्तकम् | मा न | पिब लिख पठ |
One can and should practise composing and translating (both ways - English to Sanskrit and vice versa) any number of sentences.
Words from Lesson 2 द्वितीयः पाठः
Masculine Noun पुंल्लिङ्गि नाम | Neuter Noun नपुंसक लिङ्गि नाम | Feminine Noun स्त्रीलिङ्गि नाम | Pronoun सर्वनाम | Adjective विशेषणम् | Adverb, Conjunction, Auxiliary to verb अव्ययम् | Verb क्रियापदम् (धातु) आज्ञा र्थ |
7 | अभ्यास study, practice | ओदन boiled rice | अलस lazy | अत्र here | (खेल् to play) खेल | ||
8 | व्यायाम exercise | गृह house, home | द्वितीय second | तत्र there | (कृ to do, to work) कुरु | ||
9 | मोदक sweet ball | मोदक sweetmeat | मोदक pleasing, tasting sweet | शीघ्रम् fast | (गम् to go) गच्छ | ||
10 | उद्यान garden | सत्वरम् immediately | (आ + गम् to come) आगच्छ | ||||
11 | भोजन meal | अपि also | (खाद् to eat) खाद | ||||
12 | कार्य work, job, task | च and | (क्रीड् to play) क्रीड | ||||
13 | प्रतिदिनम् everyday | (भू to be, to exist) भव | |||||
14 | प्रथम first | प्रथमम् first | |||||
15 | पश्चात् later, from behind |
Read and translate following sentences
१ तत्र क्रीड = ---------- --------- ----------
२ त्वं अत्र खेल = ---------- --------- ----------
३ कार्यं कुरु = ---------- --------- ----------
४ अलसः मा भव = ---------- --------- ----------
५ तत्र शीघ्रं गच्छ = ---------- --------- ----------
६ अत्र आगच्छ = ---------- ---------
७ प्रथमं व्यायामं कुरु = ---------- --------- ----------
८ पश्चात् भोजनं कुरु = ---------- --------- ----------
९ मोदकं खाद = ---------- ---------
१० ओदनं अपि खाद = ---------- --------- ----------
११ उद्यानं गच्छ = ---------- --------- ----------
१२ गृहं सत्वरं आगच्छ = ---------- --------- ----------
More Exercise from Lessons 1 and 2
1 | You read letter | |
2 | You write a letter | |
3 | You drink milk | |
4 | Do not read a book | |
5 | त्वम् एकं पत्रं पठ | |
6 | त्वं एकं पत्रं लिख | |
7 | त्वं मधुरं दुग्धं पिब | |
8 | सत्वरं अत्र आगच्छ | |
9 | Don’t be lazy | |
10 | Go there fast | |
11 | You drink clean water | |
12 | Eat boiled rice also | |
13 | प्रथमं व्यायामं कुरु | |
14 | ओदनं अपि खाद | |
15 | पश्चात् भोजनं कुरु | |
16 | उद्यानं गच्छ तत्र खेल च |
One can and should practise composing and translating (both ways - English to Sanskrit and vice versa) any number of sentences.
Words from Lesson 3 तृतीयः पाठः
Masculine Noun पुंल्लिङ्गि नाम | Neuter Noun नपुंसक लिङ्गि नाम | Feminine Noun स्त्रीलिङ्गि नाम | Pronoun सर्वनाम | Adjective विशेषणम् | Adverb, Conjunction, Auxiliary to verb अव्ययम् | Verb क्रियापदम् (धातु) आज्ञा र्थ | |
16 | सूर्य sun | यान cart | किम् what, who | तृतीय third | पुनः again | ||
17 | सत्य truth | दुर्बल weak | इदानीम् now | ||||
18 | तदानीम् then | ||||||
19 | उपरि above | ||||||
20 | पुरस्तात् in the front | ||||||
21 | अधस्तात् down, from below | ||||||
.Exercises -
1. Translate into Sanskrit
- Do not bring the cart here.
- Come home
- Stop in front
- Come up.
- Go down
- Do not run there.
- You dance now.
- Do not dance there.
- Come forth.
- Speak the truth.
- See forth and downwards
- Do not look upwards.
- Do not run again.
- Take meals now.
- Drink water afterwards.
One can and should practise composing and translating (both ways - English to Sanskrit and vice versa) any number of sentences.
More sentences from Question paper of Feb 2008 examination -
- (You) write a letter. (Imperative)
- (You) drink sweet milk. (Imperative)
- Afterwards eat meal.
- Protect the weak.
- Drink clean water.
More sentences from Question paper of Feb 2012 examination -
- First do exercise.
- Write clear letters.
- Always speak the truth.