Monday, June 14, 2021

An Overview of योगदर्शनम्


नमो नम: 

योगदर्शनसमीक्षणम् - An Overview of योगदर्शनम्  

 Note by S. L. Abhyankar 


The word योग: has many meanings. But certainly योगदर्शनम् is a school of Philosophical thought. It contains advice on how we humans can improve our life. 

As was discussed in the context of साङ्ख्यम् the word philosophy comes from the Greek philo (love) and sophia (wisdom) and so is literally defined as “the love of wisdom”. More broadly understood, it is the study of the most basic and profound matters of human existence.

Also the etymology of the word तत्त्वज्ञानम् i.e. तत्त्वस्य ज्ञानम् is from तत्त्व (तत्+त्व) i.e. ‘itness’ of ‘it’. 

Every ‘it’ has its own distinctive ‘itness’. Study and knowledge of that ‘itness’ of every ‘it’ becomes तत्त्वज्ञानम्. But योगदर्शनम् restricts itself only to the “itness”-es of human behaviour. 

Although postulates in योगदर्शनम् are restricted to human behaviour, one can see in them focused applications of postulates in साङ्ख्यम्. For example, the postulate of त्रैगुण्यम् as सत्त्वम्, रजस् and तमस् is very much valid. In चतुर्दशोऽध्यायः of गीता the postulate of त्रैगुण्यम् is progressed to गुणातीतता, which also the human intellect can try to assimilate. This progressed postulate of त्रैगुण्यम् becomes a postulate of योगदर्शनम्. 

One can say that such postulates in साङ्ख्यम्, which may be progressed by human intellect and human intellect can try to assimilate, become postulates of योगदर्शनम्.  

साङ्ख्यम् recognises मनः also to be an organ.

बुद्धीन्द्रियाणि चक्षुःश्रोत्रघ्राणरसनत्वगाख्यानि। 

वाक्पाणिपादपायूपस्थाः कर्मेन्द्रियाण्याहुः॥ 

उभयात्मकमत्र मनः संकल्पकमिन्द्रियं च साधर्म्यात्॥ (सां. का. 24-27) 

In योगदर्शनम् the postulate of मनः as an organ is progressed further, advocating मनःसंयमनम् control of मनः, which is possible for human intellect to work upon. 


One may say that साङ्ख्यम् is theory and योगदर्शनम् is its practical. 


There are two main texts of योगदर्शनम् - 

  1. योगवासिष्ठः and योगसूत्राणि of पातञ्जलिमुनिः See सर्गः 126 in पूर्वार्धः of the sixth निर्वाणप्रकरणम् of योगदर्शनम् - योगवासिष्ठः as available atयोगवासिष्ठः/प्रकरणम्_६_(निर्वाणप्रकरणस्य_पूर्वार्धम्)/सर्गः_१२६ 

  2. योगसूत्राणि of पातञ्जलिमुनिः are available atयोगसूत्राणि_(भाष्यसहितम्) Note, this text is inclusive of a भाष्यम् commentary and is mentioned as श्रीपातञ्जले सांख्यप्रवचने योगशास्त्रे व्यासभाष्ये. Is the commentary by व्यास ? And सांख्यप्रवचने योगशास्त्रे suggests that this योगशास्त्रम् is a part of a larger text, which is सांख्यप्रवचनम्.  

the latter being the most popular. Actually योगदर्शनम् obtaining in योगसूत्राणि is often mentioned as अष्टाङ्गयोगः an eightfold system comprising (1) यमाः (2) नियमाः (3) आसनानि (4) प्राणायामाः (5) प्रत्याहाराः (6) धारणा (7) ध्यानम् (8) समाधिः 

For a little more information about योगसूत्राणि of पातञ्जलिमुनिः at the link given above, there are a total of 195 सूत्राणि in four quarters - 51 in समाधिपादः 55 in साधनापादः 55 in विभूतिपादः and 34 in कैवल्यपादः. The titles of the four quarters are fairly suggestive of their contents, The dictionary-meanings of योग: and of the four words समाधि: साधना विभूति: and कैवल्यम् are ⇒ 

योग: -  [युज् भावादौ घञ् कुत्वम्] 1 Joining, uniting. -2 Union, junction, combination; उपरागान्ते शशिनः समुपगता रोहिणी योगम् Ś.7.22; गुणमहतां महते गुणाय योगः Ki.10.25; (वां) योगस्तडित्तोयदयोरिवास्तु R.6.65. -3 Contact, touch, connection; तमङ्कमारोप्य शरीरयोगजैः सुखैर्निषिञ्चन्तमिवामृतं त्वचि R.3.26. -4 Employment, application, use; एतैरुपाययोगैस्तु शक्यास्ताः परिरक्षितुम् Ms.9.10; R.10.86. -5 Mode, manner, course, means; ज्ञानविज्ञानयोगेन कर्मणा- मुद्धरन् जटाः Bhāg.3.24.17; कथायोगेन बुध्यते H.1. 'In the course of conversation'. -6 Consequence, result; (mostly at the end of comp on in abl.); रक्षायोगादयमपि तपः प्रत्यहं संचिनोति Ś.2.15; Ku.7.55. -7 A yoke. -8 A conveyance, vehicle, carriage. -9 (a) An armour. (b) Putting on armour. -10 Fitness, propriety, suitableness. -11 An occupation, a work, business. -12 A trick, fraud, device; योगाधमनविक्रीतं योगदानप्रतिग्रहम् Ms.8.165. -13 An expedient, plan, means in general. -14 Endeavour, zeal, diligence, assiduity; ज्ञानमेकस्थमाचार्ये ज्ञानं योगश्च पाण्डवे Mb.7.188.45. इन्द्रियाणां जये योगं समातिष्ठेद् दिवानिशम् Ms.7.44. -15 Remedy, cure. -16 A charm, spell, incantation, magic, magical art; तथाख्यातविधानं च योगः संचार एव च Mb.12.59.48. -17 Gaining, acquiring, acquisition; बलस्य योगाय बलप्रधानम् Rām.2.82.30. -18 The equipment of an army. -19 Fixing, putting on, practice; सत्येन रक्ष्यते धर्मो विद्या योगेन रक्ष्यते Mb.5.34.39. -20 A side; an argument. -21 An occasion, opportunity. -22 Possibility, occurrence. -23 Wealth, substance. -24 A rule, precept. -25 Dependence, relation, regular order or connection, dependence of one word upon another. -26 Etymology or derivation of the meaning of a word. -27 The etymological meaning of a word (opp. रूढि); अवयवशक्तिर्योगः. -28 Deep and abstract meditation, concentration of the mind, contemplation of the Supreme Spirit, which in Yoga phil. is defined as चित्तवृत्तिनिरोध; स ब्रह्मयोगयुक्तात्मा सुखमक्षयमश्नुते Bg. 5.21; सती सती योगविसृष्टदेहा Ku.1.21; V.1.1; योगेनान्ते तनुत्यजाम् R.1.8. -29 The system of philosophy established by Patañjali, which is considered to be the second division of the Sāṁkhya philosophy, but is practically reckoned as a separate system; एकं सांख्यं च योगं च यः पश्यति स पश्यति Bg.5.5. (The chief aim of the Yoga philosophy is to teach the means by which the human soul may be completely united with the Supreme Spirit and thus secure absolution; and deep abstract meditation is laid down as the chief means of securing this end, elaborate rules being given for the proper practice of such Yoga or concentration of mind.) -30 A follower of the Yoga system of philosophy; जापकैस्तुल्यफलता योगानां नात्र संशयः Mb.12.200.23. -31 (In arith.) Addition. -32 (In astr.) Conjunction, lucky conjunction. -33 A combination of stars. -34 N. of a particular astronomical division of time (27 such Yogas are usually enumerated). -35 The principal star in a lunar mansion. -36 Devotion, pious seeking after god. -37 A spy, secret agent. -38 A traitor, a violator of truth or confidence. -39 An attack; योगमाज्ञापयामास शिकस्य विषयं प्रति Śiva B.13.7. -40 Steady application; श्रुताद् हि प्रज्ञा, प्रज्ञया योगो योगादात्मवत्ता Kau. A.1.5; मयि चानन्ययोगेन भक्तिरव्यभिचारिणी Bg.13.10. -41 Ability, power; एतां विभूतिं योगं च मम यो वेत्ति तत्त्वतः Bg.10.7; पश्य मे योगमैश्वरम् 11.8. -42 Equality, sameness; समत्वं योग उच्यते Bg.2.48. 

There are so many meanings of the word योग:, because it is derived from धातुः युज् which is detailed at as 

युज् युजँ समाधौ (to concentrate, to focus, to abstain from senses, to meditate) दिवादिः, ०४.००७४ आत्मनेपदी, अकर्मकः, अनिट्

युज् युजिँर् योगे (to bind, to restrain, to join, to unite, to apply, to combine) रुधादिः, ०७.०००७ उभयपदी, सकर्मकः, अनिट् 

युज् युजँ संयमने (to restrain, to control, to bind) चुरादिः, १०.०३३८ उभयपदी, सकर्मकः, सेट् 

Study of योगदर्शनम् should take cognisance of all the meanings of the word योग:. 

समाधिः 1 Collecting, composing, concentrating (as mind). -2 Profound or abstract meditation, concentration of mind on one object, perfect absorption of thought into the one object of meditation, i. e. the Supreme Spirit, (the 8th and last stage of Yoga); व्यवसायात्मिका बुद्धिः समाधौ न विधीयते Bg.2.44; आत्मेश्वराणां न हि जातु विघ्नाः समाधिभेदप्रभवो भवन्ति Ku.3.40,50; Mk.1.1; Bh.3.54. R.8.79; Śi.4.55. -3 Intentness, concentration (in general), fixing of thoughts; यथा भानुगतं तेजो मणिः शुद्धः समाधिना । आदत्ते राजशार्दूल तथा योगः प्रवर्तते ॥ Mb.12.298.12; तस्यां लग्नसमाधि (मानसम्) Gīt.3; अहःसु तस्या हृदि ये समाधयः Rām. Ch.2.41. -4 Penance, religious obligation, devotion (to penance); अस्त्येतदन्यसमाधिभीरुत्वं देवानाम् Ś1; तपः- समाधि Ku.3.24; अथोपयन्तारमलं समाधीना 5.24;5.6;1.59; सर्वथा दृढसमाधिर्भव Nāg.5. -5 Bringing together, concentration, combination, collection; union, a set; सा तस्य धर्मार्थसमाधियुक्तं निशम्य वाक्यम् Rām.4.33.50; तं वेधा विदधे नूनं महाभूतसमाधिना R.1.29. -6 Reconciliation, settling or composing differences. -7 Silence. -8 Agreement, assent, promise. -9 Requital. -10 Completion, accomplishment. -11 Perseverance in extreme difficulties. -12 Attempting impossibilities. -13 Laying up corn (in times of famine), storing grain. -14 A tomb. -15 The joint of the neck; a particular position of the neck; अंसाववष्टब्धनतौ समाधिः Ki.16.21. -16 (In Rhet.) A figure of speech thus defined by Mammaṭa; समाधिः सुकरं कार्यं कारणान्तरयोगतः K. P.10; see S. D.614. -17 One of the ten Guṇas or merits of style; अन्यधर्मस्ततोऽन्यत्र लोकसीमानुरोधिना । सम्यगाधीयते यत्र स समाधिः स्मृतो यथा ॥ Kāv.1.93. -18 A religious vow or self-imposed restraint. -19 Support, upholding. 

In शब्दकल्पद्रुमः समाधिः, पुं, (समाधीयतेऽस्मिन् मनो जनैरिति । सम् + आ + धा + “उपसर्ग धोः किः ।” इति किः ।) समर्थनम् । नीवाकः । नियमः । इत्यमरः ॥ Note समाधीयतेऽस्मिन् मनो जनैरिति means “समाधिः is wherein people attain equanimity of the mind.” 

साधना - 1 Accomplishment, fulfilment, completion. -2 Worship, adoration. -3 Conciliation, propitiation. 

In शब्दकल्पद्रुमः साधना, स्त्री, (साध् + णिच् + युच् + टाप् ।)

सिद्धिः । निष्पादना । इति साध्-धात्वर्थदर्शनात् ॥ आराधना । ञ्यन्तसाध्-धातोरनप्रत्ययनिष्पन्ना ॥ 

About धातुः साध् at साध् साधँ संसिद्धौ (to accomplish, to attain, to fulfill, to achieve) स्वादिः, ०५.००१९ परस्मैपदी, सकर्मकः, अनिट्

Actually साधना is the perseverance that leads to accomplishment, rather than the accomplishment itself.  

विभूति - f. Might, power, greatness; सा विभूतिरनुभावसंपदां भूयसी तव Śi.14.5; Ku.2.61. -2 Prosperity, welfare; अघोपघातं मघवा विभूत्यै भवोद्भवाराधनमादिदेश Ki.11.80. -3 Dignity, exalted rank. -4 Riches, plenty, magnificence, splendour; ममैष कामो भूतानां यद् भूयासुर्विभूतयः Bhāg.6.4.44; अहो राजाधिराजमन्त्रिणो विभूतिः Mu.3; R.8.36. -5 Wealth, riches; (लोकान्) त्रीनत्यरोच उपलभ्य ततो विभूतिम् Bhāg.1.16.34; विभूतयस्तदीयानां पर्यस्ता यशसामिव R.4.19;6.76;17.43. -6 Superhuman power (which consists of eight faculties, अणिमन्, लघिमन्, प्राप्ति, प्राकाम्य, महिमन्, ईशिता, वशिता and कामावसायिता); Ku.2.11. -7 Ashes of cow-dung. -8 N. of Lakṣmī; हित्वेतरान् प्रार्थयतो विभूतिर्यस्याङ्घ्रिरेणुं जुषतेऽनभीप्सोः Bhāg.1.18.20. -9 Expansion (विस्तार); एतां विभूतिं योग च मम यो वेत्ति तत्त्वतः Bg.10.7. -10 Disposition; क्षेत्रज्ञ एता मनसो विभूतीर्जीवस्य मायारचितस्य नित्याः Bhāg.5.11.12. 

In शब्दकल्पद्रुमः विभूतिः, स्त्री, (वि + भू + क्तिन् ।) अणिमादिकमष्टधा । तत्पर्य्यायः । भूतिः २ ऐश्वर्य्यम् ३ । इत्यमरः ॥ (यथा, ऋग्वेदे । १ । ८ । ९ ।

“एवाहिते विभूतय इन्द्रमावते ॥” “विभूतयः ऐश्वर्य्यविशेषाः ।” इति तद्भाष्ये

सायणः ॥) विभवत्यनया विभूतिः क्तिः भवतेः क्तिः भूतिः विग्रहणमन्योपसर्गनिरासार्थं ईश्वरगुणैश्वर्य्यं भावे ष्ण्यः अणिमादि लघिमादि । 

Note, here meaning of विभूतिः is given as ऐश्वर्यम्. But ऐश्वर्यम् is detailed as (ईश्वरस्य भावः । ईश्वर + ष्यञ् ।) ईश्वरधर्म्मः । 

To go deeper in etymology ईश्वरः, पुं, (ईष्टे इति । ईश् + वरच् । यद्वा, अश्नुते व्याप्नोतीति अश्-धातोर्वरट् उपधाया ईत्वं च ।) 

All in all विभूतिः means ऐश्वर्य्यम्, means attaining might, power, supreme command over one’s disposition in all situations.

कैवल्यम् [केवलस्य भावः ष्यञ्] 1 Perfect isolation, soleness, exclusiveness. -2 Individuality; Bhāg.5.3.17. -3 Detachment of the soul from matter, identification with the supreme spirit. -4 Final emancipation or beatitude; Bhāg.1.8.27. -5 Everlasting disappearance of the three pains; कैवल्यं माध्यस्थ्यम् Sāṅ. K.19.; कैवल्यार्थं प्रवृत्तेश्च ibid. 17. Note, कैवल्यं माध्यस्थ्यम् is quoted from Sāṅ. K.19

In शब्दकल्पद्रुमः कैवल्यं, क्ली, (केवलस्य सर्व्वोपाधिवर्ज्जितस्य भावः इति । केवल + ष्यञ् ।) मुक्तिः । इत्यमरः । Note, here कैवल्यम् is defined as सर्व्वोपाधिवर्ज्जितस्य भावः the state which is free from all सर्व उपाधि-s afflictions.  


All in all योगदर्शनम् in योगसूत्राणि 

  • starts with समाधिपादः training the mind to be equanimous, 

  • proceeds to साधनापादः perseverance with that equanimity, 

  • then to विभूतिपादः being steadfast in that command, control on the mind, 

  • culminating in कैवल्यपादः the exclusive state free from सर्व all उपाधि-s afflictions. 

If one can get to attain कैवल्यम् the exclusive, ultimate state by such study of योगदर्शनम्, study of साङ्ख्यम् also would be leading to the same knowledge of कैवल्यम् ?! If so, this corroborates 

एकं साङ्ख्यं च योगं च ….॥गीता ५-५॥

Sounds interesting and appealing, right ? 

By the way योगासनानि have caught the attention of people around the world so much, especially with June 21st having been accepted by UNO as the International Yoga Day. But this seems to have led to a misconception that योगासनानि are the be all and end all of योग:. The fact is that complete योग: is अष्टाङ्गयोगः and योगासनानि is just one aspect. One must study and assimilate the complete योगदर्शनम्.  

Maybe, relating relevant गीताश्लोकाः would help understanding of योगदर्शनम् as delineated in योगसूत्राणि

शुभमस्तु !


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